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Social Strategy

Eve: The Prologue 

Eve: The Prologue was a successful social media campaign designed to help raise funds to shoot a short film. Through press releases, email newsletters, and social media campaigns, we successfully hit our goal. I helped organize the strategy, outreach, craft the newsletters, and design the overall look and feel for our internet presence. 

Eve: The Prologue went had a successful 2017 Film Festival run and was the official selection for The Klamath Independent Film Festival, Canby Film Festival, and Fake Flesh Film Fest. 

Using hootsuite, I planned, curated, and wrote for all social media post. I also edited original promotional videos.

I led the fundraising and press initiative to help raise 115% to goal and land a local news spot on our project

Visit EVE: The Prologue's Instagram to see more work I did with them!

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